garwaybookcover-tnThis book is the first publication to be produced under the banner of the Garway Heritage Group. It is the result of a community project funded by the Local Heritage Initiative with money from the National Lottery.

Local historians and residents have combined to tell the story of Garway Hill and its environs in the sweep of events from pre-history to the present day. Within the book's pages there is serious historical research as well as a nostalgic look at some aspects of local life which, although still within living memory, may seem long ago and far away.

This book has its origins in a project originated by the Garway Hill Commoners Association to investigate the remains of an Iron Age settlement on the slopes of Garway Hill. The dig took place in June 2006 with assistance from Hereford Archaeology and the participation of many local volunteers. The success of the dig as a community project spawned the idea of a fuller investigation into the history of the area, drawing on the work of many excellent local historians and the long memories of older residents and their family lore. This book is the outcome.

Many of the chapters focus on the Common itself - covering its history and management, flora and fauna, archaeology and its use in the Second World War. Other chapters feature the farms in the vicinity, the area of White Rocks, the Lordship of the Manor and how this has affected the Common

and its users. You can also read about the ever-changing mix of shops and pubs on and around the Hill, the provision of local bus services, and the many myths and legends attached to this ancient place.

The whole combines to produce a much fuller and vivid picture of events than one might expect from such a small patch of Herefordshire countryside, not least the surprising role that many Garway emigrants to the United States in the 19th century had in the establishment of the Mormon Church and the building of Salt Lake City, Utah.

With old and new poems, a range of historical and recent photographs, many never published before, the book provides a picture - in more than one sense - of Garway Hill and its surrounding area.

Garway Hill through the Ages has been compiled and edited by Joan and Brian Thomas, with contributions from local historians and residents. It is published by Logaston Press, price £10. It is available from all good bookshops. In addition it is available for sale at Broad Oak Garage, Galanthus Gallery in Wormbridge, Gentle Jane's in Grosmont, the St. Weonard's Shop, from any of the GHG Committee members and at our monthly meetings. You can also find it on the Computer Help stall at the monthly Garway Market.