The initial walkover survey in early 2006, followed by the topographical and geophysical investigations specific to the enclosure site made it all the more compelling as a dig project. The results were used to determine the best location to place trenches. The topographic survey results were plotted on a plane table to produce scale drawings of the banks and ditches.

The dig took place in June 2006. The geophysical survey within the rectangular enclosure had showed anomalies, which could be the foundations of dwellings, and the survey results were used to determine the location of the 5m x 5m Trench 1 excavation. The objective of this trench was to determine the presence of any features relating to settlement . Excavations were also carried out across the enclosure bank and ditch along the western boundary (Trench 2) and over the enclosure ditch directly east of what was believed to be the original entrance to the enclosure (Trench 3). The aim of the 8m x 2m Trench 2 excavation was to determine the structure of the enclosures defences. Trench 3 was intended to uncover the ditch terminal and any material associated with it. It was hoped that all three trenches might also provide dating evidence.

In Trench 1, the foundations of a round or oval structure were revealed. The interior of the structure had a compact clay floor with charcoal inclusions. The foundations of the structure survive as a partially stone filled foundation cut that may have supported a wood or wattle and daub structure.

Trench 2 revealed the bank and ditch's construction. The ditch was cut into the natural sandstone bedrock, the material produced employed in the construction of the bank that may have had a timber revetment. The ditch was v-shaped and was cut to about.1.5m deep and 3m wide.

Trench 3 clarified the position of the original entrance by unearthing the ditch terminal. The ditch terminal provided the greatest opportunity for the discovery of finds associated to the enclosure. It was v-shaped, and produced two distinct layers of pottery at the base of the trench. Specialist analysis has produced a date of middle Iron Age to late Iron Age. The ditch terminal indicates the presence of the entrance. The ditch was deliberately in-filled with stone material. On initial excavation the trench was covered in a layer of mixed rounded and angular cut stone, this has been interpreted as the collapsed remains of a stone faced rampart. However, the collapse of the material may be deliberate due to its unnatural appearance within the ditch It appears that only the eastern side of the enclosure had a stone revetment against the bank, because excavation across the bank and ditch in Trench 2 did not reveal any stone. The stone fronting at the approaching side of the enclosure may originally have been a sign of prestige, with the aim to impress those approaching from the east and south.

As a community project this dig was an outstanding success. For two weeks in a June heatwave local volunteers came from all around. Friendships were made and new archeolgical skills were learned from the experts from Herefordshire Archeology. On one hand it was a great social occasion, yet it also produced research work of lasting merit which will benefit future generations in understanding the history of the hill. It has also proved to be the catalyst for the formation of the Garway Heritage Group which will continue to explore the history of the area through a mixture of coventional research and further projects like this one. The group has produced a book "Garway Hill through the Ages" which contains a detailed chapter on the dig and what it reveals about human habitation on Garway Hill in the Iron Age.

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