The prehistoric enclosure is rare in that it has survived in a clear and understandable form. This feature has high potential to provide more information about early settlement activity on the Common from the prehistoric period onwards. The control and ultimate removal of bracken and gorse from this monument, the other prehistoric enclosure and areas of field systems would be beneficial in order to make the earthwork features more visible.

A second detailed survey of both enclosures should be a priority. This will help highlight the relationships between these features and later features and how they relate to changes in land-use. This survey could be complemented with a geophysical survey in order to identify buried structures within each enclosure. But ultimately the date and use of both enclosures can only be ascertained by excavation.

Garway Hill Common contains a high density of visible archaeological features relating to grazing, agriculture and land management. There is a high potential for the presence of other well-preserved archaeological features and a chronology of flora and fauna.

An intensive study of the common's peat deposit including radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis is recommended. This would indicate not only a chronology of fauna and flora within the area over time, but also indicate whether or not waterlogged conditions within the common have remained constant over time.

A detailed survey of the cottage site should be carried out in order to record the detail of the structure.

Prior to any land management within Garway Hill Common these areas should be subject to a more detailed walk over survey in order to record and assess the location, archaeological potential and significance of any features present.

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